Samsonvale Carols under the Big Tree 2015

Sunday 13th December 2015

Come and join our community gathering of a laid-back bucolic style in a paddock under the lights of the big pine tree.

This is on Sunday 13th December, under the big tree in Ian Kent’s paddock.  141 Basin Rd, Samsonvale

Time:   5:00pm,           Gather for BYO picnic

6:00pm            Santa arrives.  lollies for the kids.

7:00pm             Communal carols start.

Carol booklets provided.

8:00pm Thunderstorm, as usual!

Cost: voluntary donation during the evening. (a gold coin donation to pay for lighting of tree)

Bring any or all of:

Rug/blanket, chairs, table, drinks, picnic food, BBQ food to cook,  (Hotplate BBQs are provided) candles, torch, a singing voice, happiness. There are no food or drinks for sale.

Getting there:

From Samford to Samsonvale.

You will see the big tree on the left.

Turn off left at Basin Rd. Go 1.4 km

then left turn down the farm track.

Park in the paddock.

So come along, meet your neighbours and friends, and make new friends.

Phone 0478 419 022 for more information.

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