Dear Editor,
Thank you to Moreton Bay Region Industry and Tourism and Regional Development Australia – Moreton Bay for hosting the Official Launch Event of the Moreton Bay Region University Precinct on Friday 23 October.
I understand the contribution of corporate sponsors including the Comiskey Group’s Eatons Hill Hotel, Stockland, Redcliffe Leagues Club, KPMG and Konica Minolta was integral to the success of the launch function.
It was pleasing to see more than 600 community and business leaders demonstrate such a strong interest in the future of our region by attending this event.
Hundreds of school representatives were also present, in addition to many PCYCs, progress associations, sports clubs, real estate agents, chambers of commerce, soccer clubs, Zonta clubs, universities of the third age, a number of state MPs and our three local Federal MPs.
As a community it’s fantastic to see such a strong commitment to working together to help deliver the best infrastructure for our region. There is no doubt that ongoing community support and engagement will be an important part of the university project.
From late November local residents will be able to find out more about this important region-building at their nearest Moreton Bay Regional Council library or customer service centre and provide their feedback on the university project to council.
As Mayor I look forward to hearing your views on our plans for our region’s future as centre for excellence in tertiary education.
For more information about the Moreton Bay Region University Precinct or to provide your feedback online visit www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/uniprecinct