Sympathies_December 2015

The members of the Dayboro Regional Information Network Incorporated wish to extend their sympathies to anyone in the community who has suffered a bereavement.

We extend our sympathies to the family and friends of:

Daphne Irene BALFOUR (Nee Warburton)


Barry John HOSE

John Gerard LILLEY

Barbara Frances McEVOY (nee Wilson)

Michael Craig (Mick) WILLIAMS

N.B. We only obtain the names for this section via family or friends of the deceased letting us know, or through one of our volunteers seeing the notice in the Courier Mail.

Please contact us if you wish to ensure that a loved one’s passing is acknowledged in this section of the Dayboro Grapevine. 

There is no fee for this, nor for Thank You notices, or photographs and life histories of your loved ones.

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